Positivseeds is an informational and educational site and does not substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment and/or care. No action should be taken solely based on the contents of this website. All care has been taken in the preparation of the collaborative information shared on this site based on the best judgment of the author(s); however, no responsibility can be accepted for the misuse or damages resulting from the provided information.
None of the writers for Positivseeds are physicians and cannot give sound advice to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any illnesses. The information on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA, but rather is used for our own education and the education of others.
Please consult a qualified health professional on any opinions or matters regarding your health and well-being that are shared within this website. Professional medical advice should not be ignored due to any information provided. If there is a medical emergency, immediately call your physician or dial 911.