Can’t Stop Ruminating? Here’s How To Let It Go

It’s a common experience that we all share—finding ourselves trapped in a cycle of constant thoughts, constantly revisiting past events or worrying about what’s coming next. The dwelling on thoughts can drain our energy, causing us to feel stuck in a pattern of worry and tension. In our journey towards personal growth and inner peace, we have the incredible opportunity to tap into an abundance of strategies, insights, and wisdom. These invaluable sources come from a diverse range of wisdom teachers, including mystics, scientists, spiritual texts, nature, etc. By embracing these teachings, we can break free from the patterns that hold us back and discover a profound sense of peace within ourselves. In this empowering blog post, we will delve into transformative strategies that will help you release the grip of rumination and embrace a serene and mindful state of being.


Embrace the Power of Mindfulness: One of the fundamental teachings that both mystics and scientific research emphasize is the incredible power of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a powerful practice that allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the present moment, free from any judgment or criticism. By embracing the practice of mindfulness, we empower ourselves to gracefully observe our thoughts without getting caught up. By practicing this simple yet profound technique, we can cultivate a healthy distance between ourselves and our ruminating thoughts. This distance allows us to approach our thoughts with compassion and curiosity, ultimately empowering us to let them go.

Embracing the Power of Self-Compassion: In the realm of personal growth and spiritual development, there is a profound emphasis on the incredible significance of self-compassion. Instead of engaging in self-criticism for our tendency to ruminate, let us shift our focus towards cultivating self-compassion and empathy. When we embrace a mindset of compassion, we recognize that the act of rumination is a common aspect of being human. By embracing a mindset of self-compassion and self-care, we have the power to gradually let go of the stronghold of overthinking and cultivate a more forgiving and nurturing inner conversation.


Embracing the Power of Positive Thinking: Research has shown that actively embracing the power of positive thinking can be a transformative tool in breaking free from the cycle of rumination. When faced with a negative thought, let’s take a moment to question its validity and explore alternative perspectives. How can we find evidence to support this thought? Are our actions and choices contributing positively or negatively to our overall well-being? By actively and purposefully questioning our thoughts, we open up room for fresh and empowering perspectives to arise, enabling us to release the grip of overthinking on our lives.

Embracing the Power of Gratitude and Positivity: In the realm of mysticism and spiritual wisdom, there lies a profound invitation to nurture gratitude and direct our attention towards the positive elements that grace our lives. By consciously redirecting our focus towards the things we genuinely appreciate, we initiate a powerful transformation in our mindset. I encourage you to embrace the practice of maintaining a gratitude journal. This powerful tool allows you to cultivate a mindset of appreciation by documenting three things you are grateful for every single day. By engaging in this straightforward practice, we can effectively shift our focus away from overthinking and towards the multitude of positive aspects that exist in our lives.


Seeking support is a powerful step towards growth and transformation. It takes strength and courage to recognize that you don’t have to face life’s challenges alone. Embrace the fact that there are people out there who genuinely care about your well-being and want to offer their support. By reaching out and connecting with others, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and It is crucial to recognize the significance of seeking support when necessary, as both mystics and scientists emphasize. Take the initiative to connect with individuals in your life who you trust and value. Seek out the support and wisdom of those who can offer you guidance and motivation. Engaging in open and honest conversations with others can provide us with valuable opportunities for personal growth and self-reflection. By sharing our thoughts and concerns, we invite fresh perspectives and insights into our lives, allowing us to release the burden of overthinking and rumination more effortlessly.


Ruminating thoughts, my friend, can truly be a burden on our weary souls. They have a way of consuming our energy and leaving us feeling drained. However, fear not, for I have learned through my own journey that with the proper tools and a steadfast mindset, we can indeed liberate ourselves from their suffocating grasp. Through the practice of mindfulness, we learn to be fully present in the moment and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves. By cultivating self-compassion, we acknowledge our imperfections and treat ourselves with kindness and understanding. Challenging negative thought patterns allows us to break free from the cycle of self-doubt and negativity, enabling personal growth and resilience. Cultivating gratitude helps us appreciate the blessings in our lives and fosters a sense of contentment. Seeking support from others provides us with a sense of connection and guidance, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease. By embracing these practices, we empower ourselves to let go of rumination and embrace a more peaceful and fulfilling way of living. Ah, my friend, let me remind you that this path we tread is a journey, one that demands both patience and practice. Yet, fear not, for the fruits of our labor are abundant. A tranquil mind and a heightened sense of well-being await us, and they are treasures that surpass any toil we may endure along the way. My friend, let me share some wisdom with you. Inhale deeply, allowing the air to fill your lungs, and as you exhale, let go of any thoughts that hold you back. Embrace this moment as an opportunity to embark on a path towards a future that is vibrant and truly satisfying. You know what? You’ve totally got this!

You’re Stopping You!

“Have you ever had a great idea but didn’t follow through on it? If you identify as a “perfect” human being, you have. I’m not talking about anything extravagant. There’s nothing earth-shattering here. Simply said, it was an excellent concept that would have generated you more money. But you didn’t do anything about it. Speaking from experience here!

Full confession I’ve let many ideas remain as just that ideas. I’m the kind of person who thinks deeply and creatively. I’ve always had an ability to understand clients and come up with unique solutions for them. However, I must admit that I personally don’t feel I’m particularly successful. That’s due in large part  because I’m certainly not where I want it to be. 

The irony is that I have more fantastic ideas for growing my business. The issue is that I’ve not put many of them into action. 

So, how about you?

Have you have more ideas than you do actions? Why don’t you simply get started?

I became curious as to why I was operating the way I do, and began doing a lot of intraspection.

I started considering what it was that was preventing me from acting on ideas or plans that may result in substantial rewards?

These are some of the basic reasons I found.

1. A lack of an inspirational and compelling goal

The lack of a why is referred to as Purpose. Without a solid purpose, the urgent takes precedence. The build up of emails in the mailbox takes over. The call from a friend for help takes over. Inertia takes control.

We learn in physics that it takes more energy to break away from inertia. That energy is added by a strong aim. The energy that organizes your efforts and brings the most essential things to the forefront. You need an inspirational purpose to break free from the shackles of your existing routine.

2. Lack of a clear view

Consider yourself at a six-way stop in a fog so dense that you can’t see a single landmark. Even the traffic signs are incomprehensible to you. Which path will you take? Will you be confident in your choice of direction, or will you continue cautiously, expecting for the fog to clear before picking up the pace?

Everyone—at least everyone in business—wishes to go someplace. However, without a clear vision, it is impossible to see where you wish to go. And if you don’t see it, how will you act boldly and confidently toward it—whatever it is?

So, even if you have a strategy to get you…somewhere, you’re unlikely to carry it through. 

3. Unwilling to make sacrifices or put in the effort

You already have a lot on your plate, and anything additional you take on means something will have to be sacrificed. Sacrifice entails giving up something valuable in exchange for something even more valuable. That suggests there is something more precious to give up for. And you haven’t said what that “something” is. Or maybe you’re not convinced it’s worth it.

I began to place giving up leisure time, relaxing time, play time, or whatever in the same category. But it always comes down to sacrifice, and the key question is whether or not it’s worthwhile. (guilty as charged) There are moments when I feel I have something essential to do, but it isn’t important enough to get me to drop other “priorities”. 

4. Lack of faith

If you are positive that something will work, there is no danger, and you will most likely act. On the other hand, if you are uncertain—and most things are to some extent uncertain—you may ask if the risk is worthwhile.

Perhaps ‘it’ will work in someone else’s hands, but you don’t think it will work in yours. In other words, you lack faith in your ability to do the task, and the danger is too large.

Each of these concerns may be solved by having a strong purpose and inspirational goals to work toward. When these are powerful enough, they increase the potential benefit and shift the risk-return ratio in favor of action.

5th. Fear

It all boils down to fear at times, and this was the elephant in the room for me. You have a vision and a goal, and you believe the risks are manageable. But what happens if it doesn’t work out? What happens next? That’s what fear is. It’s not going to turn out the way you want it to. So, what will you be left with? Worse, not only will it not work out, but something negative will occur as a result of it.

6. All the other stuff

You simply have other commitments. What do you mean? Family or maybe a job. Thing is could some of it be eliminated or placed on hold?

It comes down to balancing what you have goin on with your purpose and aspirations.

You may need to refocus your priorities and rethink your alternatives in order to devote your available time and energy to pushing you on the right path.

So, how about you?

What’s holding you back? Any one of these six things, or a combination of them, can hold you back. It’s much simpler to confront and move forward after you have identified what is holding you back. 

The Gateway To Happiness

Do you truly desire happiness? Everyone says yes, but the path to happiness has some of us squirming in our boots. Giving to others is a path to pleasure. Consider this: “For the sake of others’ happiness, cultivate empathy. Compassion is the key to happiness.” ~ Dalai Lama.

Some of us may worry that people will take advantage of our generosity if we offer too much. In fact, your good intentions may be misconstrued as weakness by a small number of egotistical people.

However, the majority of individuals are not interested in taking advantage of the situation. “We must be the change, we want to see in the world,” attributed to Gandhi. Think about it: if we’re going to make a change, why not start with each other?

Make a donation at any time, without asking for anything in return, and don’t even tell anybody about it. Those who benefit from your charitable deeds will thank you for it. However, bigger than that, universal forces will ensure that charity is

This is what some people call “karma,” or the rule of cause and consequence. In this way, every action has a corresponding reaction. Ensure that our actions have positive outcomes.

Danny Thomas remarked, ” “Despite the fact that we are all created for a reason, we don’t know what that reason is. Life success has nothing to do with personal gains or accomplishments. It’s about what you do for others. For others, it’s about what you do for them.”

You will leave a legacy of compassion if you give up everything you have. People will try to forget you if you don’t give them something to remember you by. I want the memories I leave behind to be positive ones, since that’s all I have to go on.

So, how much should you contribute? “Heart felt,” “kind words,” a letter, a card, or a flower are all examples of “heartfelt” gestures. You’ll discover that your donations won’t leave you penniless. As a consequence, you’ll find that most individuals are naturally inclined to repay the favor.

Be courteous to everyone who provides services to you on a regular basis. When it comes to the cleaner, janitor, parking lot attendant, or customer service representative, many folks don’t even say hello.

The more you get to know the person, the more likely they are to go out of their way to provide you with excellent service, simply by addressing them with their first name.

People will appreciate your genuineness and trustworthiness no matter where you travel. That’s all there is to it. A person’s actual riches, according to Mohammed, “is the good he or she does in the world.”

Don’t Re-invent the Wheel

When was the last time a light bulb went out at your home? We no longer have to construct a light bulb because of Thomas Edison’s work. Grab a spare or go to the store, and you’re done.

Surely you are aware that Thomas Edison had to make many, many attempts before he came up with the light bulb. When someone asked him whether he was disheartened by his failures, he replied that he was not. There was no failure in his reply: “I’ve discovered another method of how not to create a light bulb”.

There is no such thing as failure, only outcomes. Insanity, according to one definition, is doing the same thing over and again and expecting a different outcome.

We need to make some adjustments to our daily routines if we want our lives to run smoothly.

We, too, have the potential to go out like a light bulb. There are times in our lives when we feel as though there is no light or hope to be found. It’s a bleak scene, to say the least.

Please allow me to shed a little light on this (pun intended). When we’re in the depths of despair, we need light to help us find our way out. While some of us are fortunate enough to have a source of light, others must leave their homes to find it.

Thoughtful thinking may go a long way, but it can only go so far for certain people. Just a little bit of light comes from it. People are in a quandary as to how to use the additional light that is now accessible.

All problems can be solved.

What’s the best way to locate the answer? It’s our choice whether or not we try to figure it out on our own, or whether we look for someone who has previously overcome this difficulty and benchmark their example.

A wide variety of media are available nowadays that might assist us in overcoming the challenges we face in our daily lives. We must study the mistakes of others in order to improve our own lives. There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from those who have been there and done that. We are lucky to have had some of the greatest philosophers in history to look up to.

There’s always room for improvement in our lives. As difficult as it may be at times, there is always hope and assistance available.

When you’re feeling down and life seems gloomy, do something for someone else without any expectations. You may also look to those notable examples in life and use them to get yourself back on track.

Let the light shine within you instead of trying to re-invent the wheel.

Finding Your Happiness In Nature

Nature is one of the greatest sources of happiness.  Humans have lived in the lap of nature since our early beginnings, and when compared to the time spent living in modern cities it is comparably very short.  The human race is dependent upon nature for its very survival (plants recycle carbon dioxide into oxygen; our food is a product of nature; and we can survive under a very limited range of variables of nature like temperature, etc.)

Nature is all free!  It is there for everyone to stand, stare and derive happiness and solace from.  It doesn’t differentiate between rich or poor, strong or weak, man or woman.  The warmth of the sun’s rays on your skin is free. To sit under the stars at night and stare at the moon, you guessed it, free. A walk on the beach, feeling the sand between your toes and water soothing your feet, all free.

How much would it cost to make an artificial island with rivers, forests, mountains, and surrounding ocean?

Billions just ask the folks of the Arab Emirates.

When we see the moon, we see it in its entirety, no matter how many millions of people are seeing it at the same time.  Similarly, the sky, forests, oceans, rain fall, mountains all are there for us to fully enjoy.

If you are sad, feeling anxious, struggling with a problem, spending some time in nature will do you good. Nature has an uncanny ability to sit beside you like your mom, spouse, brother or sister, or good friend and embrace you. Slowly it lifts your spirits, makes you see your worries, and problems in the right perspective of infinite time and space.  You smile; you laugh; and you are happy again!

More and more in today’s society, we are conditioned to medicate or find solace in buying things to cope. We get a temporary fix from our medications and purchases. However, it doesn’t end our suffering.

Yet how many of us realize that infinite beauty and happiness is lying around us in the form of nature?

Do you appreciate this fact and draw happiness out of it?

The next time you’re feeling like crap, go walk among the trees in a local park, or if you’re lucky enough the woods or country side. Peace!